Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer!!! Almost, but not quite.


so summer's almost here. meaning many things:

1. finals!!!
2. summer job!!
3. driving will re-open on july 3rd!
4. taste of lincoln ave
5. working @ danny's
6. vay-cay!!!


SUMMER JOB.......................................................................................

this is the first time EVER i've actually looked for a summer job. i mean, i've always worked @ my mom's place for no pay ever since 2nd grade.

but i guess now i want more things--i want a flat iron (which i got), a new ipod (which i got)--i guess i just want to spend more overall.

but every single time my mom pays for something--food, clothes, ect. (esp. the clothes part) makes me feel guilty.

i mean, she woman works 12 hours a day weekdays + 10 hours on weekends. for herself. so she will never get a pay raise.

so i applied.

@ first i only thought of walgreens/cvs because there's one everywhere! @ my grandparent's place! @ my parent's restaurant! close to my place!

but they aren't known for paying well. but the convenience!! (no duh! that's why they're called convenience stores!) i can be anywhere, and it will work out. @ my grandparents'. @ my place. @ my parent's workplace.

and then i expanded.

to a plaza/shopping plaza near my grandparents' place: they have:

a chinese place (i have experience!! but i don't wait tables. i'm a terrible waitress. and they don't have computers--you have to memorize prices. and write down all orders. all day. no.)
a chinese buffet (i have experience!! but i don't speak mandarin. not really.)
an old country buffet
a borders
an office deopt
a famous footwear
a payless
and a sally beauty store

so yea. that's a LOT of oppertunities.

so i looked online @ to see the average pay with my non-existant work experience and lack of hs deploma.


old country buffet: $6.25-9 avg. $7
borders: $6-9 avg. $7.38
Walgreens/CVS: $7-9 avg. $7.80
office depot: $6.75-10 avg. $8.06
sally beauty store: $7-11 avg. $8.55


i could not believe that sally would pay that much. or that borders would pay that little. and i called them, they're hiring!! but then i can only stay over @ grandpa's. yuck. all summer.

so i'd rather work @ the CVS then. close to home. no need to wake up w. my parents so they could drop me off work.

but!!! that's what i'll app for.


borders has an online app, which is nice.

walgreens also has an online app

CVS has an online app

old country buffet has a paper app you needa bring in

sally has a paper app you needa bring in

office depot has a confusing search engine for jobs that i refuse to use b/c it boggles my mind.

so... verdict: top two choices: either CVS or Sally.

i'll prob end up choosing Sally for sure if they do accept my app. but just not work all 5 days.


so... this time around... i'm actually scared of a LOT of finals.

my lit final: reviewing all the different genres of am lit + 7 lessons worth of vocab words.

geometry: review concepts. i HATE circles, exponents, and i don't know if i can still solve the orchard unit problem.

my chinese final: i ALWAYS miss ~3 questions on there. it's all written, so you have to remember what you have to say, and know how to write it.

my chem final: as always. but i feel like i've been sorta actually understanding chem lately. except now i hafta remember ancient stuff.

my choir final. it terrifies me. as always. but i feel like as long as i kno the circle, everything's cool. i mean, i've seen the notes i took, and i don't have a lot to review, and it scares me. maybe i'm missing something.

i'm SO happy i dont' hafta worry about APUSH+PE.

they way my schedule is planned out, i should only have two hard finals to worry about each day.

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