Friday, April 9, 2010

NCP: Freshmen & block scheduling

visit wikipedia! i edit the page for northside!

I should have started writing this as a freshman, but i didn't, so here i am now.

maybe cause i'm a nerd, but i found myself one day on and saw northside's page. how little info on there surprized me.


So, options for freshmen:

  • MATH (IMP): 1 (algebra) or 2 (geometry) you can skip into IMP2 by placement testing or getting credit from your previous school. only approved programs can give credit--i was so surprized and maddened by this: all of us in algebra that year knew algebra. we just didn't get credit. so unfair.
  • LITURATURE: Survey of Lit. or Speech & Debate: only can be skipped by credit. only option when i was a freshman, but know, you can aparently skip to British Liturature (Lit. 3)! so unfair. last year's freshmen HAD to take speech & debate. (normally it is an elective for lit. credit)
  • P.E.: not optional. you HAVE to take health/physical education. it works like this: 1st quarter: you either do P.E. or health; next quarter you would do something else. (ie, you have P.E. 1st quarter--next quarter, you'll take health)
  • SOCIAL SCIENCE (social studies) WORLD STUDIES or APUSH. not by placement testing.
  • SCIENCE: physics. YOU HAVE TO TAKE PHYSICS FRESHMEN YEAR. no other choice.
  • ELECTIVE: any elective is open to freshmen:
  • art (I or II: only skip by putting together a art portfolio and submitting),
  • music (chorus [singing], band [wind instruments], orchestra [strings]),
  • computers (either computer science [basic computer stuff] or alice [softwear programming]).

... so yea.
7:55am-8:05am:Advisory (A.K.A. homeroom) for 10 min. they do take attendence!
TARDIES: line up. have IDs out. if you don't have it, they need to print one out for you. $1.
8:05am-8:10am: Passing Period. they *normally* put on music to signal end/start of passing period. 8 min. for all except for advisory-->1st block (it's only 5 min.)
8:10am-9:50am: 1st/5th block (all full blocks are 100 min: ~2 hrs)
9:50am-9:58am: passing period
9:58am-11:38am: 2nd/6th blcok
11:38am-11:46am: passing period
11:46am-1:26pm: 3rd/7th block
1:26pm-1:34pm: passing period
1:34pm-3:14pm: 4th/8th block last block of the day. we get out @ pi. lol. 3:14 nerds.
there are such things has 1/2 block!!!
so: half block. lunch is one of them. you get ~50 min to eat lunch. or do homework. they only serve food the first 15~20 min of lunch.
2a & 6a lunch/block
3a & 7a lunch/block
so this is how it works: you get either a 2A, 3A, 6A, or 7A lunch. that takes up 1/2 block. the nest block is a class. so that class (whatever it may be, like health/P.E. or any other class) you will have everyday.

visit wikipedia! i edit the page for northside!

northside offers: (used to offer Korean, but b/c of budget and small classroom size, the course was dropped in the 2009-2010 school year)
  • Mandarin Chinese
  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Latin
  • Spanish
  • English I-IV
  • AP Lit&Comp
  • AP Lang&Comp
  • Jornalism I-IV
  • Creative Writing I & II (must be at least a sophomore, complete an application, and be approved)Shakespeare & Contemporary Fiction (must be at least a sophomore)
  • Multicultural Lit.
  • Reading & Writing Across Disciplines (must be at least a junior and receive approval)
  • Drama (must be at least a sophomore)
  • Speech & Debate I & II (must submit an application and receive approval)
  • Topics in World Lit: Existential Lit (must be at least a sophomore)
Social Science
  • World Studies
  • HUSH
  • History of Chicago
  • Soc/Psych
  • AP Psych
  • AP US Gov
  • AP Micro
  • AP Europ
  • Sustainable Engineering & Economic Development
  • Physics
  • Chem
  • Bio
  • Marine Sci
  • Enviro
  • IMP I-IV
  • AP Stat
  • AP Calc
  • Multi-variable

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