well, let's start from the beginning.
on sat. may 1, i saw on the news all these parades/strikes on the news b/c it was may day (5/1), and i was like, ok.
on sun. may 2, i was flippin through my planner, and i saw that on friday, THIS friday, i would have the AP test. i was like, "WTF?!!" where did this come from?!
but yea. it happens 2 me all the time. that's why ppl should know better than to ask me what date it is, cause i NEVER know. seriously. i don't keep track anymore...
i finished my hmwk due 2morrow, and was gonna study 4 the geometry test when i realized that i left my notes in my binder in my locker, in the school. good job!!
so i finished lit, @ like 9 o clock (started @ 4) almost forgot 2 print it, but didn't! one thing i DID forget was to turn it in on turnitin.com since we needed to both hand in a paper copy and an e-file.
i realized that in class when donna reminded me. i would have seriously forgotten.
MONDAY, Block 4, aka, BAM!
so, everything was normal. in PE we were going 2 play frisbee again. that's fine. i don't hate it though it sucks because: a) it is windy out. it always is. but they still make us play frisbee of all outdoor sports b) sometimes, it gets REALLY FRIGGIN cold out.
i still ran around instead of standing there because... i dunno. we had been playin frisbee 4 a while now, and i knew that i could catch, but not throw (arm's length ppl!! but i didn't want 2 seem like a taddle-tale).
so i was trying to catch a frisbee, when i collided with nicole. head on. honestly, i wasn't watching where i was going b/c i was trying to catch it. (it's windy out, and the frisbee does all sortsa crazy stuff. i've seen it before)
i herd an "oh!!" like, you want to divert ur eyes,
ouch, "oh".
honestly this is what i felt:
a) no pain @ all.
b) my tooth was loose. i could immediately tell.
stephanie came over and i think i remember asking her, "am i bleeding?" (i couldn't tell).
she was like, "yea, ur bleeding. ew. ew. ew. i can't stand the sight of blood."
heavey came over, perfectly calm, brought me inside.
on the way out of the soccer field, on the uneaven brick path, i twisted my left ankle. i was like, "good job!!" but i was honestly only worried about covering my mouth/protecting my tooth.
i couldn't tell which was loose.
heavey opened up the locker room for me to clean up. i couldn't really do it w/o a mirror, but i really didn't want to look. i'd rather be blissfully ignorant.
but i did, and i sort of gasped. my right front tooth was WAY loose. but it was still intact.
**this is what was running through my head the entire time:
a) what about my braces?! i was going to get them on next week!
b) i'll have to remove it.
c) i'll have to replace it
d) it will not be covered by medicaid
e) it will be MORE money ONTOP of the braces.
so heavey handed me over 2 pagani cause everyone was still outside and they needed 2 be supervised.
nither one of the nurses was there, but they had to call my parents.
my mom, of course did not answer her phone. when does she?!
my dad's cell was called, but she picked it up.
the clerk made it seem like my ma couldn't comprehend what was happening--i was like, "is her english really that bad?!! when i need it right now?!"
she wanted to put sugar on it to stop bleeding, but policy was to only provide ice.
it would be fourty friggin min. until they could get there. f my life.
she was like, "how do u get home honey?" i was like, "i walk." (it was 45 till 3:15)
but solin saw me. we made small talk.
arnam saw me.
they sent 4 jenifer 2 get my stuff.
i went 2 the bathroom to clean up.
i cried. i didn't stay long b/c they could be looking 4 me.
john saw me.
my dad finally came, and when he said, 唔會有事ge.
that's when i teared.
he HAD to freakin park the car SO far away (by this time it was VERY close 2 dismissal, so there were SO many cars) and SO friggin close to the watev sports team that was leavin when i had a bloody shirt, pants, AND a bag of ice on my mouth?!
my god.
so we went to kedzie dental.
i guess my ma called earlier to tell her we were coming in.
she treated my like an emergency, which my dad really appreciated apparently, as he later revealed.
the nurse was like, "what happened?!"
my dad was like, "someguy hurt her
she was like, "a guy hit you?!!"
dam him and his stupid malfunctioning english! he didn't even know if it was a guy or a girl! i had to explain 2 the dentist, "no, i was in pe, gym, and i collided w. someone."
honest to josh, putting it back in hurt a lot more then the tooth coming loose.
so she had to put a splinter on it to basically keep it in place.
she took an x-ray, i would for sure hafta get a root canal, in a few months (in a few MONTHS?! i will FOR SURE not get my braces done in time.)
we had to wait for ever for that x-ray! (15 min.)
but it came back, there were no fractures, and we could leave with a prescription of anitbotics+pain killer.
we dropped off Rx @ walgreens, and i wanted to go home 2 do hmwk. i had a shitloada stuff 2 do. but my mom wouldn't let me. she wanted 4 me 2 go 2 the restaurant and rest. i didn't want to rest! i need 2 work! study!
but i could hear in her voice, she was crying, so i went.
and i was tired actually. so i slept in the car, and slept again late.